How much paper can I get rid of?

Messy Filing CabinetsPeople always ask “how much paper can I get rid of”? Our answer starts with: “How much paper to you really have”?

To give a little perspective on that topic, we spent a little time doing some research across a number of sources, and came up with the following guideline:

1 File Drawer, 28 inches deep, houses somewhere around 2500 to 3000 pages

So now ask yourself: How many file drawers do you have? Don’t limit yourself to the stuff in a file room somewhere. Think about the cumulative effect of every individual in the company that has their own files too. How many pages does that equate to? If you’re like most companies, the answer is: lots, tons, muy mucho! But hopefully this statistic helps you be a little more specific.

You should also want to ask yourself about all of the costs associated with housing that much paper: How much floor space, and time and materials will you save if you could turn all of those papers into an easily searchable electronic format?

If you’re like most companies, the answer is: lots, tons, muy mucho!

Dash DDX to the rescue! We can help you.