Beautifully simple solutions for small to medium businesses.
Beautifully simple solutions for small to medium businesses.
🖥️ Instant access to information.
💲 Savings on paper costs.
⚠️ Elimination of human errors.
📈 Streamlined processes for increased productivity.
Now, it’s incredibly easy to find and share the information you need anytime…anywhere… on any device. Built with ERP integration in mind, DASH DDX™ files the documents and contents your organization produces, then allows you to find, retrieve, and share them in seconds. It even supports simple workflow. And/or the DASH AP Robot™ automates your accounts payable invoicing process including built-in ERP interfaces reducing labor, complexity, and errors. With an average office worker printing more than 10,000 pieces of paper a year (and spending 30% of his/her time looking for information in an email or filing cabinets), isn’t it time for DASH? Start your digital transformation journey with us today.